The average person loses 50-100 hairs each day without even knowing it because those hairs are seamlessly replaced at the same rate. We don’t care too much about those people, because they don’t need our help via hair restoration with PRP and PRF. When hair loss exceeds hair regrowth, you may start to notice balding spots, a receding hairline, or hair that is overall thinner. This is where we come in. If you’ve tried the typical solutions (plugs, shampoos, and medications) without results, you may be feeling hopeless. Fortunately, an effective solution may be inside your own body! Let’s talk Hair Restoration with PRP and PRF.
PRP is short for Platelet-Rich Plasma, and PRF is short for Platelet-Rich Fibrin. Both have become quite popular in the skincare and medical communities for their ability to speed healing, encourage growth factors, and stimulate collagen and stem cell growth. Today, we focus on their ability to restore thinning hair.
Let us pause to discuss the differences between PRP and PRF. The main difference between PRF and PRP lies in the way your blood is processed after being drawn. In the case of PRP, the blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the platelet-poor plasma and the red blood cells. PRF is spun at a slower speed so that some white blood cells, stem cells, and fibrin remain. Further, anticoagulants are not added to PRF, as they are to PRP. This causes the growth factors to be released more slowly, yielding longer lasting results.
Generally, PRP is used in microneedling, while PRF is used as a natural filler. Both can be used in hair rejuvenation treatment. We would love to discuss which is best for you based on your specific needs and goals!
Hair Restoration Steps
Our procedure is simple. In just 3 quick and fairly painless steps, you will find the results you’ve been seeking using just your own platelets.
- We begin by drawing blood from your arm.
- We then process your blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma/fibrin.
- Your scalp is locally anesthetized before PRP/PRF is injected into the areas of the scalp where increased hair growth is desired.
Come to your hair restoration appointment with freshly-cleaned hair and scalp. A scalp free from grease or other particles encourages optimal results. For optimal results, refrain from using hair products such as hair spray and gel for at least three days prior to your hair restoration session.
Hydrate and fuel yourself with a healthy meal before undergoing hair rejuvenation treatment. This will help to prevent dizziness, nausea, and fainting when we draw blood and inject the PRP/PRF.
It is imperative that you avoid drinking or smoking heavily in the days leading up to your session, as this may lower your platelet count and delay treatment.
There is no downtime associated with our hair restoration technique! You can return to your regular routine immediately, making this a true “lunch-time procedure.” You may even wash your hair as usual. Pain and irritation at the injection site is uncommon, but that would be the only reason to hold off on your usual hair care routine.
If you do experience scalp pain following this procedure, you can expect it to slowly decrease with time. It should be completely gone in 3-4 weeks.
We do recommend that you wait at least 72 hours after hair restoration to color or perm your hair, and the chemicals required for these treatments will exacerbate any pain at the injection sites and possibly cause greater complications.
We all know the frustration of trying the newest miracle cure and being disappointed. When it comes to hair restoration with PRP/PRF, this is rarely the case! You can expect thicker, denser hair in your problem areas; you can expect balding spots to be reversed; and you can expect receding hairlines to grow in again.
Most begin to see positive changes immediately with full results in as little as 3 treatments over a period of 4-6 weeks. Generally, maintenance treatments are required every 4-6 months.
Please know that hair loss caused by underlying chronic illness or thyroid imbalances will not be remedied by hair restoration with PRP and PRF, as this procedure does not address those underlying causes. In these cases, you may see immediate relief, but hair loss will continue.
Contact us to see if our hair restoration with PRP or PRF is the right treatment for you! We would love to set up a free consultation to help you meet your hair regrowth goals.
xoxo Rachel and Ryan