Ketamine and Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental health challenge in the U.S. today. It affects 40 million people in the U.S. alone and 264 million around the world. More staggering is the fact that, unfortunately, conventional treatment doesn’t work for a large portion of those who suffer from anxiety. According to PubMed, more than 50% of patients suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (the most common anxiety disorder) are considered treatment-resistant. We have good news for the large number of people suffering, seemingly hopelessly! Ketamine infusions can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, and it can do so immediately.

Ketamine and PTSD

We have talked a lot about Ketamine and its effectiveness in treating depression and chronic pain. We even shared intimate experiences via the diary of a brave client. Because we are continually blown away by Ketamine’s life-changing results, we feel compelled to continue sharing in hopes of helping as many of you as possible and to emphasize the many applications of Ketamine. Not only does Ketamine help with depression and chronic pain, but it’s been found to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well!

The Ketamine Diaries: Reflections

Our brave client completed her sixth Ketamine session and provided her reflections on the process and its impact on her. When combined with her own open-mindedness and hard work, these Ketamine treatments made some significant, lasting changes in her life and in her outlook. As usual, she describes it far better than we could, so ENJOY the last entry in The Ketamine Diaries!