Ketamine: Reversing the Effects of Depression

Like most of history’s key players, Ketamine is multi-faceted, largely misunderstood, and has undergone a few transformations in identity and purpose over the years. It was first introduced in the 1960s as an anesthetic. 20 years later in the 1980s, it gained popularity as a club drug. In 2019, the FDA approved Ketamin’s use in treating depression. This is HUGE for those battling long-term stress and depression! 

In fact, Ketamine use has been found to lessen depression symptoms in 70% of patients. Ketamine’s unique effect on brain chemistry makes it extremely safe and effective.  We hope an understanding of this process will remove some of the taboo and shed some light on the potential benefits of ketamine infusion therapy. 

Let’s dive into two ways Ketamine positively affects brain chemistry and reverses the effects of depression, stress, and aging. Like other drugs used to treat depression, Ketamine helps the brain to produce dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. That is where the similarities end. 


Prolonged stress and depression cause the connections between neurons in the brain to break down. Understandably, this breakdown inhibits regular brain function and makes conventional treatment slow, difficult, and often ineffective. 

Unlike conventional depression medications, Ketamine affects dozens of systems in the brain. Most noteworthy is its effect on the glutamate system. When administered in high doses, Ketamine blocks the brain’s production of glutamate, making it a perfect anesthetic. When it is administered in low doses, however, it increases the brain’s production of glutamate helping to build new connections between neurons. Rather than masking symptoms of depression, Ketamine’s promotion of Glutamate actually helps to rewire the brain and reverse the effects of stress and depression! By increasing and strengthening synaptic connections, it can change the way people learn and the way they respond to and remember experiences. 

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Additionally, as we age, we produce less and less Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), the protein critical to regulating neural development. Depression and stress only exacerbate this slowed production. Through a complex process Ketamine produces BDNF. An increase in this vital protein helps to mend the parts of the brain that have atrophied due to depression, stress, and aging.

Ketamine at a Med Spa

Our community has experienced a substantial instability in the health and well being of our citizens. Coupled with a coinciding decrease in resources available, Lakeside Med Spa offers intravenous Ketamine to address medication resistant depression, various mood disorders, PTSD, and chronic pain. You may be understandably wary of being treated for depression at a Med Spa. Allow us to put you at ease. Ryan cut his teeth using Ketamine regularly as an anesthesia provider. This experience intimately acquainted him with Ketamine protocols and uniquely qualifies him to provide this vital service. Rachel also has a background in sedation as a long-time healthcare professional here in Coeur d’Alene. They are both committed to providing safe, effective mental health access in a comfortable, unintimidating setting. 


Contact us to set up a free consultation. We would love to hear your goals, discuss Ketamine’s effect on brain chemistry, and determine whether Ketamine could help you to reach those goals.

xoxo Rachel and Ryan

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